Liberal crime squad starter stats
Liberal crime squad starter stats

liberal crime squad starter stats

(Warning: outdated in particular, spraying graffiti is a crime, though the police don't pay much attention to Vandalism)ġ. Cars help as they mean that slow or wounded liberals don't slow you down or get left behind - but crashes can kill everyone in the car. Remember that you don't have to kill every one just stop them following you.Ĥ. Note that trenchcoats can hide SMGs and shotguns, but will attract attention sooner than a good disguise.ģ. Never stay just to have a fight because you'll die most of the time.Ģ. Fewer than four sleeper judges will reduce the chance that one of your sleepers is involved in any given case. When possible, get 4 sleeper judges as they will give you a big advantage in court and will give you the shortest time inside they can. Note that they are only $100 a go in comparison to $5000 a go (but you get what you pay for).ĥ. Get your own sleeper lawyer and use them on low level crimes to train them. If you have enough money, you can hire an ace defense lawyer that has a high chance of getting you acquitted at trial.Ĥ. Keep a reserve of cash for emergencies - $5000 or more. If you want to have sweatshop workers sell T-shirts, make sure you don't commit crimes with them while liberating them from the Conservatives.ģ. You may just be manning the t-shirt stand, but if you're wanted for murder, the first cop that knows your face will be able to bring you in. Avoid sending wanted people to do legal things in public. Avoid sending important people to do dangerous things like selling brownies. Seducing a cop early on is a particularly good move since the police are the most likely group to raid you early on. Having a sleeper agent at the relevant locations gets you informed about incoming raids in advance, giving you ample opportunity to move everything from the targeted location to somewhere safe. Never have anyone stay there and only have heat-free people fetch stuff.ĥ. Keep the spare weapons and stuff in a safe armory (read: cheap apartment). Best to be gone when that happens unless you're looking for a fight.Ĥ. They already know where you are and already know you're ridiculously well-armed and dangerous, so they'll just come back in a week, this time with national guard troops. If you do get raided, and manage to fight them off, don't stay in the same place. Leave bases you've been resting in for a long time empty for a few weeks to let them cool off and be forgotten.ģ. Alternatively, or in combination, you can move around every few weeks or so, or even more often if that doesn't work, to shake off any investigation. Flying a flag is a cheap way to increase secrecy, and it works with any safehouse.Ģ. The more expensive the apartment, the less likely the police are to search for you in that neighborhood, and the harder it will be for them to find your safehouse. Go to a warehouse and invest in a business front to throw off investigators, or rent an apartment somewhere to blend in.

liberal crime squad starter stats

Don't use the homeless shelter as a base for violent actions, it's the first place they look. $4800 every other day just from an easy low-heat crime (or faster if you have 2+ squads). After gathering a Squad and getting them trained on Security (by unlocking apartments at any of the rentable locations), start stealing either Vans or Sportscars - Sports if you think you're likely to get chased because of the +3 driving skill mod, but Vans are easier to take. An illegal method of making money that rarely causes trouble (especially if you're careful): Stealing cars.

#Liberal crime squad starter stats plus#

Unfortunately, in the current version, you will usually not make enough money to cover the costs of shirt materials plus the grocery bills for your workers using this method.ģ. Note that sweatshop workers can be deported if arrested and put you up as their boss - and make sure to give them clothes before telling them to do anything in public. You can liberate sweatshop workers from the textile factories in the industrial district that have high levels of garment making skill and can sell T-Shirts for money. Other legal fundraising options require specialized skills to capitalize on. Once these are done, donations can be a major source of fundraising, especially if you use persuasive Liberals and dress them in respectable clothing.Ģ. Activism and maybe some community service is good for popularity, while a few site actions will help increase your notability. Asking for donations only works if people know you and like you. DownedCrane's Non-Violence Strategy (tested on 4.12)ġ.

Liberal crime squad starter stats